Thursday, November 6, 2014


I arrived at Planet-Langues to a whirlwind of introductions and information. I met everyone in the office and then was shown to my room and told to settle in with a vague, "we'll see you tomorrow". Being me, I asked several questions: What about dinner? What time should I be in the office/classroom in the morning? How should I expect to spend my day tomorrow?

 This is the view from my dorm - the chateau is beautiful

After much discussion, it was decided that I would have Tuesday free to settle in and to get an orientation from my co-worker. He showed up later and invited me to dinner with him and a couple of the English teachers, which I accepted, because while tired, I was starving and knew I couldn't sleep until I ate something, plus it was only 6pm. It was a pleasant evening, but I was exhausted, so turned down the invite to go to the pub afterwards and instead went to bed, after several failed attempts to connect to the internet (evidently it's a bit sporadic around here).

I woke up Tuesday morning a bit morose and wondering what in the world I had done; giving up all familiar comforts, saying goodbye to dear friends and family, and moving to a country where I don't speak the language. WHY did I think this was a good idea?! Yes, that was emotional jetlag speaking. As the day progressed, my hope and excitement returned.

I have a room with a bathroom (sort of) to myself, for which I am very thankful. I have a shower, toilet and sink IN my room. Although a bit stark, it's toasty warm and has two great windows (with some outdated curtains), to let in whatever sunlight makes an appearance. And the sun did make an appearance today!

Yes, that's the toilet hiding behind a mini-blind hung from the ceiling!
Two big windows to let in light
 I'm checking into options for hanging things on the walls so that I can add some color to my space, but the red bedspread is nice.

I need to go to the store and get an organizer for my toiletries so they're not just hanging out in ziplock bags under my sink.

1 comment:

  1. Cozy is right! So glad you have your own facilities though. The comforts of home, right?!
